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Monday, May 30, 2011


Poor little Layla-hunny-bear, has had the worst tummy ache ever, over the last 24 hrs! We didn't realise it was so bad until I was awoken at 1.30am this morning to an ALMIGHTY burp - and the foulest smelling stench you could ever imagine!

There was Layla in the bath panicking because she LOATHES vomiting! She had broken out into a little rash and was so upset and tired, she just didn't know what to do. We decided a nice warm shower and panadol; along with an ice-block and Mr Bean should be our first "medicine" to try and remedy her discomfort. Unfortunately when that failed, and little Layla missed the bucket and started shaking after another power-puke, we decided that we needed another shower with some pretty-smelling soap and a new pair of pajamas, a huge hug, a drink of water, and Where the wild things are.

That fixed her...finally at 3.30am this morning after SCRUBBING every inch of the bathrooms with Bleach and disinfectant, Layla had fallen asleep on the lounge with her favourite fury mate Wilfred. I tucked her into bed and jumped in myself... anticipating more vomiting from Layla and considering what my options for the gym would be today if I had TWO little girls at home sick. As it turns out, Layla is still feeling delicate, but has made a speedy recovery, and Evie seems to have managed a get out of jail free card with this one. PHEEEEW!

Layla was still keen to do her school banking this morning though, so after we dropped little Evie off at "Lynda's" she dressed up in her finery and put her brave face on to take her hard-earned pennies to school for the dolarmites lady - such determination and ethics! I'm proud of her, she's still not well, but she has told me that she thinks she will be ok to go to school tomorrow, because she really wants to help her table win some more team points tomorrow - if they win, they get a treat on Friday's... who wouldn't want to go to school!

ps. I didn't make it to the gym, nor did i use my tredmill :( meetings and paperwork tomorrow are probably going to hinder my fitness plight for yet another day.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

it was all yellow. Our day in pictures

Did a spot of cleaning this morning after Evie and I hit the gym

I sat down to watch the first episode of Tim Winton's Cloud Street, with a cuppa

Organising our next couple of months - Eeek, six weeks 'till Uni starts!

Evie and I went to the library today for National simultaneous storytime

A pretty bunch of dasies layla picked for me to put on the window sill

Now to start dinner! Pumpkin soup with crusty bread and apple crumble with custard x

Friday, May 20, 2011

How does your garden grow...

A decorative, edible garden - via "The daily waffle" blog

... a bloody lot better now that we have had some rain, not to mention the chicken poo(and who knows what else I spread through the gardens after our eventful Wednesday morning)! The Vegie garden is looking lush, the citrus trees have given us our first few lemons and delicious oranges, and the natives are certainly looking more awake.
I hope this rain keeps up now though. We're off to the nursery this week for some climbing beans and some other root vegies... I've made the decision to take full advantage of the gardens this year and plant a decorative patch with purple cabbages and other colourful vegies in the front gardens as well. We just need a load of manure and soil and I'm ready to go - I'm going to make the most of the rain this winter and plant vegies EVERYWHERE! I'm hoping it will add a little ompf to the soil when I dig in the left-overs over spring before we plant up our spring garden. I'm starting to think I should order my bulbs too... maybe next weeks job x

A friend was telling me that she can see a lot of the saplings on the ridge opposite her house dying due to lack of water over the summer - :( I hope they make a quick recovery with the rain we have had today x

Back next week to bitch about The Budget and Julia Gillard... Oh yes - how is this gardening related? She's a "prickle" in my arse at the moment! (that's providing we are all still here next week after The Rapture/ Judgement day).

Thank you - thank you, you've been great! I'm here till Monday, Ha hahahaha!

Mwwwwwahhh, Mwwwwwahhhh, Mwwwwahhhh

Little Beauties

Patricia Piccinini
This lady has captured my imagination with her lovely sculptures

I love the smell of this SANDALWOOD soap in winter - get from Woolworths
The Pretenders - Don't get me wrong


Turquoise Jewelery
and this BEAUTIFUL blog - kept me day dreaming all week

Ladies lunching...

Genesis in the Hills - Vegetarian restaurant @ Roleystone.

Mark's still away, and the kids are sending me NUTS! My guess is that they are BOTH either growing, fighting something off, or just being rat-bags for the hell of it.

It's been fairly exhausting trying to keep things going this time with Mark away, and I'm feeling really under the weather this afternoon - It looks like it's going to have to be an *uber early night tonight! It has been raining all day, (torrential rain), and now the sun is out... everything is green again! Yaaay!

I went to the gym this morning, then had warm and tasty vegetarian lunch with Evie and a friend - LOVED IT!

Well the fire is lit and I have a book to finish this weekend and a bath calling my name. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Tx

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Layla: A mid year BIO

Weight: 21 kg's

Favourite song: Justin "Beaver" (she doesn't have a clue who he is);
Melanie- Brand new key.

Favourite game: Twister; checkers; marbles with Papa; The puppy game @ school

Favourite joke:
Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it had chewing gum
on it's foot! (Baaaa haaa haa)

Favourite colour: Gold

Favourite animal: Kittens; horses.

Favourite food: Sushi, bubblegum and lemonade

Favourite friends: Dakota, Grace, Mia, Chloe and charlize

Favourite kid show: Scoobydoo; Hannah Montana

Favourite outing: Jungle-Gym, Horse riding

Favourite winter thing:
"Getting dressed in my cool winter clothes, and playing the old records with Evie"

Id like to meet: Hannah Montana and Princess Catherine AKA - Kate Middleton

Favourite artist: Patricia Piccinini - Realism

What does she want to be when she grows up?
A teacher; hairdresser; and fashion designer ( she already has a name for her label -Enchanted fashions!); and has started drawing designs for her shop :)

Gaaah! this little lady is just growing up so quickly and I lurve her... we are totally BFF's x

Evie: A mid year BIO.

Weight: 14kg's (tiny little thing)

Current nickname: Nook-Nook (Papa Bear) I think this one may be Dr Seuss inspired.

Favourite food: Sausage rolls; cupcakes; purple cordial

Favourite kid show: Dora the explorer; Alice in wonderland

Favourite game: The Library game and Teachers; elastics; Rollerskating

Favourite outing: The local park with a picnic

favourite song:
"...Chinese checkers cheese on toast - put it in the oven and
a- poke-poke-poke..." (you get the idea)

Best friend: Luke, Gemma, Holly and Lynda

Favourite book: The adventures of Pinkie and over the rainbow

Favourite Bath toy: Schleich animals and pinky pie

What does she want to do when she grows up?
" be like my daddy", "drop Layla off at school"; "drive with Layla and Mum and Dad".

What do you want to be able to do by the time your 4?
"Be able to turn into Layla"; "go to school"; "eat all my lunch"

She's just too darn tooting CUTE! x

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Water for Elephants

On Tuesday I went with a couple of friends to the movies! What a treat!
I seriously havn't been to the movies with a friend for at least 10 years... and Oh my, how I've missed it. It was so nice to be in a movie theatre again! I would be telling fibs if I told you I didn't cry. I wish I had of read the book first though - I have heard it was exceptional! I'm not a huge fan of "the twilight guy", but I LOVE Reese Witherspoon! She did such a lovely job, and "Edward" wasn't too bad either. I won't spoil it for you but my favourite character was Rosie... sigh* Go see it!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

When the moon is full...

GAWD! I have absolutely no doubt, that when the moon is full, the creatures around here go CRAZY!

Last night was a 100% full moon - Tues 17th May. The dog ripped apart the chicken fence again and you can guess what happened; the cat went nuts and did poopies on the floor (which she hasn't done since she was a tiny thing); The kids were OUT OF CONTROL; Mamma Bear couldn't sleep for a milion dollars, (intrestingly though, I had obviously cut some z's during the time of the chicken massacre). I woke up at around 4am-ish to a brooooook brooook outside my bedroom door, and knew in an instant it was an escapee chicken. With Wilfred outside I knew the outcome wouldn't be pretty. I jumped and woke up so quickly that I put my back out, and I had to ask Mark to go and take a look for me. He casually put wilfred on the chain and jumped back into bed... (Thanks for your contribution Papa) *please note facetiousness* Mark had to head off to the airport for a business trip to Queensland at 5am this morning so AGAIN, the mess was left to me... almost unable to breathe with a pinched nerve near my shoulder-blade.

So with Mark gone this morning... I woke up to the dreaded task of dealing with yet another gruesome scene in the chicken pen. To my surprise initially, I hadn't been able to locate any remains - but it wasn't long before I saw the first piece of evidence! A FOOT... A CHICKEN'S FOOT! That's it, that's all I have found that's left of our two, new little chickens. I have been in the backyard all morning with wheel-barrow, gloves, hammer and staples, nails and HUGE boulders trying to repair, what clearly seems to be a pathetic excuse for a chicken pen. On a lighter note our chicken with an endless supply of lives - Lucky LUCY CHICKEN, has managed to escape the carnage once again. So... for now, I am banning anymore chickens/animals in general until there is a serious overhaul of the chicken pen. This perpetual nonsense is becomming not only exhausting, but expensive to boot... and in adition to this, I am THOROUGLY SICK AND TIRED of having to be the one to pick up the mess after EVERY full moon. The last couple of times this has happened has always been around the time of the full moon, so it is clearly the catalyst for the carnage every month.

This is my action plan; keep Wilfred tied up during EVERY full moon phase; repair chicken pen to be completely dog-proof; research deterant alternatives to try and save Wilfred from a chicken-serial-killer stigma... ( I can't go near that dog for at least two weeks after a "Kill" knowing what he has done, AND what he has eaten... EWWWWW - EVERYTHING!)

In the meantime, we are going to have to forfeit our backyard eggs for some other local ones for a good while, 'cause I'm not doing this ANYMORE!!! Poor Wilfred, It's not his fault he is a naughty boy. He's just doing what Wilfreds do I suppose!

Now to finish off the day with Horse-riding and open night at school- ugh, I really just want a nice long bath.

Thanks for listening to "Whinge on Wendnesday"!
I hope your day has been heaps better than mine x t

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hooray! Blogger is back up and running

Hello Lovelies - missed us? Due to some Blogger technical issues it has been impossible to post anything over the last week!! It seems as though the problem is fixed, sooooo stay tuned, I'll be filling you all in with the latest from news from my little family this week.... mmmwaaahh! xxoo

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bears-a-campin' cont...

We only had one day of rain... but it made our little girls a little sad not to be in the sunshine down at the beach.

Bella and Evie

Oh... to be a kid again

pappa Bear relaxes at Green's Pool Denmark WA

All the little one's after their Easter Egg hunt

With all the pretty Easter Eggs

Layla sparkles

Baxter and Ruby- camp dogs

The Ladies at Boat Harbour Denmark WA

We are sooooo excited for our Easter trip next year! We have promised the girls we will take their bikes, and they are saving their pocket money-(along with Mumma) for the Denmark easter market... It was AMAZING!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bears-a-campin' = warm camp-fire, hot chocolate, fishing, swimming, laughter and love!

Ohhhhh my-we just had the most unforgettable and MAGICAL camping getaway over Easter.  The pretty little town of Denmark is where we were; or just down the road anyway.  We celebrated Easter in the most wonderful way with an Easter-egg hunt at the camp-ground,  orchestrated by "the teenagers"; and Paid our respects for the ANZACs at a dawn service in Denmark.   The Mumma's all had a day away from the kids and went on a wine and dine tour, while the papa's took the all the kids fishing!  It was just incredible... I wish you could have been there, but some photos will have to suffice x

Baby bear and Hunny bear met so many precious new friends, and Mumma and Pappa Bear have made some friends to last forever!  We felt so special to have been invited to join the group and we only realised when we we're there that this camping expedition has been going on EVERY YEAR for 20 yrs!!!  Can you believe it?!  Sooo special. We were so honored to be a part of this tradition and are excited to make it ours as well.