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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ahhhh I know, I know... you missed me didn't you?

... before you answer that, first I'd like to just vomit up my tortured thoughts for the evening...  my head hurts,  my fisherman pants don't have that "extra fabric" overlap flap at the waist when I tie them up anymore, I'm nervous as hell about starting uni, full of snot, and terrified that Layla's birthday party on Saturday wont cut the mustard for 15-odd 6yr olds... Eeeeek! 

 My biggest fear is that they'll leave wishing they had of stayed at home and watched Sponge Bob Square pants, then spit on our mailbox on the way out!   I have visions of little kids running up to me after the magic show at the end of the party and hoisting me into the air like a prized quarterback, chanting, "Mrs Mont"... "Mrs Mont"...!  The reality is... they are 6 yr olds!  As long as they have cake and prizes, I'm sure they'll have a swell time!  I just have to convince myself of that reality.  I really don't know why my stomach is churning over this,  it could be that it has been a long time since I have felt responsible for that many demanding human beings all at once, (except for my recent trip out to the Swan Valley, on a bus with 15 drunken and uninhibited women), or the fact that I have never organised a birthday party for either of the girls before with their friends, or even the idea that Layla's friends will express their condolences for a "drag of a birthday party", and suggest that next year their dog might be sick on that day, and they probably wont make it...  either way I am procrastinating with the final details, but I'm hoping we will be able to pull it all together without any major issues.  I'm hoping to take some lovely photos of Layla and Evie with their friends at the party to share with you. Wish us Luck!    I'm off to boil the jug for a lovely 'erp *shudder* cup of hot, watery 99% fat free packet soup... pain is beauty! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011


This morning I woke up feeling so fresh and ready to take on the world... I always get woken up with a kiss from Mark but this morning I got a HUGE squeezy hug AND a kiss!  He must love me :) 

The girls stripped their beds and we got all the sheets and pillow cases washed and hung out before school so that Evie and I could head off to the nursery.  It's been such a beautiful morning... here is what we got up to in the garden today;

Pretty Blooms for the girls special garden.  I picked that rack up on the side of the road last week... no shame!
The girls had me rig up a clothes line yesterday next to the cubby
FINALLY   I've found some pink flamingo's for the girls secret garden... they're so cute these two.
Evie and I planted up some oregano that was over taking other herbs and hung it up on the chicken pen door.
Lucky Lucy chicken got some delish scraps and a big cuddle... she looks a little creepy in this photo, but she's adorable.
Worzaletta Gummage... Our pretty scarecrow.
I picked up this parrot cage on the side of the road as well... it's was perfect to hang in the orange tree with candles.
Work all done for the day... time for a cuppa in my new favourite quiet place.
Evie and I picked up some leek, broccolini, red capsicum, and cauliflower to plant in the garden with the rest of the family tomorrow.  We dug in heaps of yummy compost and some trace elements during the week, so it will be ready for planting on the weekend. It's been a beautiful day so far,  I think I'll make the beds and have a nice quiet sit down with a book.  It's finally all settling down around here again for us, and I'm so happy that we're all content and smiley again.  x  

I hope you have a lovely weekend! Other than a spot of gardening and washing the cars, we aren't doing much at all.  Layla is looking forward to putting together her party invitations, and we are planning a long family lunch here at home with a lovely friend. 

 Kisses and fairy wishes,  T x



May you always have
Walls for the winds,
A roof for the rain,
Tea beside the fire,
Laughter to cheer you,
Those you love near you,
And all your heart might desire! 

An Irish blessing x

Howdy ya'll! 
     I'm  feeling pretty under-the-weather today... you could even say, a little bit "GREEN" ;) so celebrations for us this year, we are enjoying early nights and routine again anyway! I hope whatever you get up to... you have a lovely St Patty's Day x 


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

in the mood for magic... pockets of preciousness xx

I'm up to my neck in party options for Layla's Un-birthday "Mad Hatter Tea Party"... I'm pretty disorganised to be honest... (in true Mad Hatter form).  I suppose it's the nature of the beast, anyway while I was looking at inspiration for this little affair, I came across some absolute pockets of preciousness, and I thought I'd share some of them with you... I hope you enjoy. 

I believe in Magic xx

Start with this link... and have a browse through the rest while your listening, it makes it all the more special x

Courtney Brims... amazing artist

Precious Etsy

I came across this blog the other day... I think I'll look in from time to time, this lady is very creative.  I have been drooling over this photo shoot... I wish it was my house!

And if you ever wanted to know how to meet a faerie... this is just so precious x

Love Love Love

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

80's flash back to LITTLE TAM

Ahhhh, so many memories... so many smiles.  I think the trick to retaining your child-like spirit, is to not be scared to daydream and remember how the simple things made you smile... an ice-cream or a trip to the pool.  A big bowl of spaghetti and a tumbler full of lemonade.  Jumping on the trampoline and swinging as high as you can go, in the hopes of catching a cloud.  getting excited about thunder storms then playing in the rain.  dancing and singing.  Joking and Laughing.  I have so many smiles attached to so many memories.

Be humble,  be happy... pack dreams not expectations...

ohhh... I'd love a cuppa tea with David, wish Dave was me mate!

Sir David Attinborough  Naturalist and Broadcaster

We all watched the "first life" documentary the other day, it was fascinating and I was shocked, to learn that David Attinborough was 83yrs old and still making documentaries!  He is so sprightly!  We watched the making of the documentary last night, and I totally reckon Mr Attinborough is on my wish list of people to have a cuppa and a chat with... he's got such a wicked sense of humour and is so passionate about his work.  I learned that he loves chocolate and is an avid collector of Trilobites.  His fascination of the natural world started from when he was a young boy, foraging through the forests near his house for fossils :) 
I think I'd love to learn more about him, so I'm going to keep my eyes out for a biography x

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Commitment

I don't know how good you were over Christmas and New Year... but I've been sooooooo naughty!  Over the last few months I have been eating much TOO well, and we have been drinking a little more than we should, and as a result have put on a few unwanted kilo's. So, I've made the decision that it's time to get back to looking after ourselves and getting into a routine with exercise and the general running of the house-hold during the week!  

I had a fantastic weekly routine for EVERYTHING until we moved into our lovely house, but renos' and dramas have made us push our normal routines to the side. Although we have accomplished a lot, we have decided to put everything on hold and focus on work and family, and just let our little house be a home for a while.  I don't think it has done anyone in our house much good being out of routine, and it's taken a toll on our mental and physical well-being.  Now things are back to being semi-normal and we're all sorted with the nonsense of the last quarter... it's time to just get on with it!  I've set myself a realistic goal to bin all of my bad habits and drop 15 kg's by my birthday in November... It'll be tough, but I would love nothing more to look and feel the best I have ever felt by the time I turn 30!   At least it will make the big 30 something to look forward to.  OLDER, but wiser, healthier, &  happier!  I'm relying on you to keep me in check, it's one thing to make a commitment to myself, but I've extended the commitment to you now :) 
I won't let you down.

I  hope you have a great  weekend,CHEERS! 

My excercise routine will commence as of Monday, (after a trip to the swan valley with a couple of friends this week).  I'll keep you up to date with photos and our progress...  looking forward to throwing out some daggy undies :) 


Hey ya'll!

I've decided that Fridays will be all about be all about the garden, what it's producing and any other things we have been doing in relation to our garden.  As it is now, our lawn is looking sensational!  We have a few stark patches where we have removed nasty weeds, but it's looking green and lush so that's a start. I can't wait for the water bill... EEEEK!

The Vegie garden however, is looking a little sad.  My basil and mint went to seed, so there's not much we can do with it now, and I think we have had our last harvest of tomatoes :(   Next week I'll be pulling out everything that's not producing and start adding some trace elements to the soil.  Our pasionfruit vine is thriving and surprisingly the muscat grape I planted has had a remarkable recovery.  The orange tree has got a few oranges on it, but it seems as though our harvest wont be as successful as it was last winter.   There's been a nice change in the weather over the last week, which has cooled everything down a little... but still no sign of rain!  It's becoming a little bit frustrating to try and keep up the water to everything amongst everything else that has to be done. 

I don't hold high hopes for some of the camellias and azaleas that I planted during spring.  I've cut them back to virtually nothing, and just hoping for the best now, I guess it's going to be trial and error for a couple of years to see what we can plant when, and what will have the capacity to thrive over the extreme seasons we have over here. 

We have just been sent the Autumn catalogue from Eden seeds and were looking at what we might get sent over. 

I'll post a few photos of the gardens next week x   


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

oppression - definition of oppression by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

oppression - definition of oppression by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.: "A feeling of being heavily weighed down in mind or body."

So as you all know after our wonderful holiday to Tassie, we weren't home for very long before we were hit with the terrifying prospect of loosing our house to a bushfire!   That situation in it's self shook us to our absolute core, and we were so grateful that we we're spared, but what was about to unfold next would take us on a roller-coaster of emotion and inner turmoil that we could never have predicted.

We have recently been faced with a few challenging situations, that would have us contemplating what really gives credence to... Loyalty, Integrity and friendship.  Our business has just undergone a massive re-structure due to serious breaches of "loyalty and integrity" by an individual who we and another party involved, trusted as a friend and also business partner, and although the situation has now come to "a head", and has essentially been resolved, it's been difficult to get our heads around how "dollar-hungry" and manipulative some people in the world of business really are.  It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and we feel lucky to have been exposed to it early. There have been so many facets to this recent quandary of ours, but we have fortunately passed through the other side with flying colours, smiles on our faces, more appreciation for our true friends, and a new-found confidence! Ultimately we are looking at a very productive time for not only the rest of the year, but for a very long time.  Phewwww!

It's been interesting how stress and disruption has affected us,  at times we have all been in our own little worlds, thinking about funny, silly things and having quiet time, not getting much sleep and having silly dreams when we ARE asleep, (I actually had a dream the other night that the planet Earth just fell out of the sky... just like that)!  Weird

On a positive note Mark and I have never been more in love... and we, as a family have never been closer! These little tests we've had in our lives recently, have only made our little Bear family stronger!  Thank you all SO much for your support through the bushfire incident. xxxxxxx If it's true that things happen in Threes... we're going to be looking at a monumental year full of success.  We have gained so much wisdom and life experience over the last few months, and for that...                                                        

                                                    THANK YOU UNIVERSE.   
                   ... but pretty please don't let our beautiful planet fall out of the sky!

                                                          Yours in gratitude,
                                                        Tamara Montefiore x

THE GIRLS... a snapshot of the last few weeks

Strawberry shortcake... we love you
Getting educated on what is over the rainbow

Evie having a bake off with Mumma Bear

Layla receives a Merit award at assembly

Layla and Lad getting to know each other

Hangin' with the coolest Dad ever

The water nymphs of Dwellingup
...where problems melt like lemon drops away above the chimeny tops... that's where you'll find me...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

John Muir quotes

I Love John Muir! His poetry and quotes take me away to a quiet place when the rest of the world around me is rushing and chaotic .

John Muir quotes: "“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”"

Ahhhhh, I feel cleansed already. Bring on the storms I need energy and thank goodness it's Autumn because I need to drop a few cares x


So... with so many photos to share and so much to catch up on, I thought I'd post a link to my Flickr page so that you can have a look at some of the Tassie photos, while I get on with some more posts

We celebrated so much when we were exploring Tassie...

we had Evie's birthday, (she had a precious day) and ate pancakes for breakfast with Noni and Aunty Min, Mum, Dad and Layla @  We sang "Evie" up really loud on the way there, had spaghetti bolognaise for tea, (her favourite), and a chocolate birthday cake with fairy candles!

Australia Day... we were at White Sands Caravan Park in our u-beaut "super camper van", and lapped up the sunshine and beautiful beach... we actually felt VERY patriotic this Australia day, we always do, but being just down the road from Port Arthur and having such a beautiful day... just made us feel all funny in my tummy :)  We listened to our "Aussie playlist", drank quite a few Caronas, and ate local lamb chops with salad.  mmmmmmm   Aussie Aussie Aussie... oi oi oi!!

And the birth of our beautiful Niece, Miss Olivia Pledger...(baby bird Livy).  Not to mention we re-united with our favourite Minnie,(not of the mouse kind), got to catch up with Noni, and the lovely duo that is... Dan and Bunks!

Tassie was such an incredible experience... and we are so glad we took a break.  The next few months to follow after it, (little did we know), were going to be challenging in every manner.  But that's another blog post :)

We are so glad that we took the time and saved our pennies to pull it all together to make a truly unforgettable and awe-inspiring holiday!  Here is some information I dug up on the History of Port Arthur and also the tragic massacre that happened there. I'm sure your not all interested in history, but I am absolutely infatuated with the past and how things were... I hope you enjoy reading... The story of the convicts, it Convicts  is intriguing not to mention the conspiracy theories relating to the terrible massacre.  It might seem  macarbre to want to find out what made Martin Bryant tick, but to me it's interesting to understand what could possibly posses a human being take the lives of so many people so calmly and seemingly without no motivation. Keep a blankie near you, it's sure to bring on the goosebumps.  Big love x

Our short and sweet Christmas break

It was so very nice to have Mark's Mum and Dad over during our short Christmas break.  We took a trip down to the Swan Valley, harvested some delicious vegies and herbs from our beloved vegie patch, had a nice lunch at the Araluen Country Club (beautiful), and Mark got to use his red baloon gift from his 30th... a few laps in a V8 supercar!  Mark and Ian even managed to get HEAPS of odds and ends done around the house, and put together the girls cubby from Santa, along with the most enviable outdoor blackboard you have ever seen! It was lovely to have some company... sometimes even with little munchkins running around, Christmas isn't the same with out other family to share it all with.

Monty's Christmas Carol... Some highlights.

Gingerbread made by Layla and Mummy
Mumma Bear, Honey Bear, Papa Bear & Baby Bear... the little gingerbread Bear family

Completed Christmas-dinner dresses for two very special little cherry blossoms

Layla's very precious Alice in Wonderland magnifying glass... how funny does this little Hunny Bear look!

A couple of little beach bums in their crochet pink string 'kinis... Thanks Aunty Tan x

Two little smiley girls showing off their Christmas presents

Our cheeky Wilfred on Christmas day

Grandma takes a ride in the noisy car & Papa Bear relaxes at the Roleystone Country Club on Boxing Day

We really did have a wonderful Christmas day and enjoyed our day together feasting of all our fresh fruit, hams and roast chicken... I was hoping to get a photo of the table all set for our Christmas Lunch, but unfortunately after quite a few lovely cocktails made fresh by Mark, I kinda lost the motivation to keep the camera rolling.  Next Christmas, I'm thinking of doing something a little unconventional... we'll see x 

Catch up time... we will start with christmas x about a hectic last 4 months!  As it is now, my computer has decided to co-operate today, so I thought I'd fill you in at least with Christmas and our Tassie adventure to get back up and running... at least while it lasts!  I hope you all were showered with loveliness over Christmas and the new year, and that 2011 has so far been prosperous for all of you x