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Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hey ya'll!

I've decided that Fridays will be all about be all about the garden, what it's producing and any other things we have been doing in relation to our garden.  As it is now, our lawn is looking sensational!  We have a few stark patches where we have removed nasty weeds, but it's looking green and lush so that's a start. I can't wait for the water bill... EEEEK!

The Vegie garden however, is looking a little sad.  My basil and mint went to seed, so there's not much we can do with it now, and I think we have had our last harvest of tomatoes :(   Next week I'll be pulling out everything that's not producing and start adding some trace elements to the soil.  Our pasionfruit vine is thriving and surprisingly the muscat grape I planted has had a remarkable recovery.  The orange tree has got a few oranges on it, but it seems as though our harvest wont be as successful as it was last winter.   There's been a nice change in the weather over the last week, which has cooled everything down a little... but still no sign of rain!  It's becoming a little bit frustrating to try and keep up the water to everything amongst everything else that has to be done. 

I don't hold high hopes for some of the camellias and azaleas that I planted during spring.  I've cut them back to virtually nothing, and just hoping for the best now, I guess it's going to be trial and error for a couple of years to see what we can plant when, and what will have the capacity to thrive over the extreme seasons we have over here. 

We have just been sent the Autumn catalogue from Eden seeds and were looking at what we might get sent over. 

I'll post a few photos of the gardens next week x   


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