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Monday, April 4, 2011

Hi ho, hi ho...A camping we will go...


We have some rain coming our way this week -  Hoooray!  I'm pretty darn excited about this to tell you the truth!  We have had such a dry Summer,  it will be nice to have the temprature drop and to get some water on the gardens and lawn.  We have got heaps of catching up to do in the house,  and we are still to catch up on sleep after our eventful start to the year.   I am set to start studying in July, (Wooooo hoooooo) so it's going to be a great motivation for me to get some serious organisation happening again!  My office is feeling so neglected,  it's been our too hard basket for far too long!

We are hoping to get away down south for a few days of camping to Denmark over the Easter holidays - might bump into princess Mary... Tee hee!  We are set to drag out all our camping gear this weekend and get sorted,  we have been invited to two camping trips in the last couple of weeks, and we are going to do BOTH!  It's something that we have wanted to do more of for a long time and since we have been here, it's either been too hot, too cold, or we simply had no-one else to go with.

It's about time Papa Bear had some time off too! Some of Mark and My most fondest memories from childhood have been on camping adventures, and we are determined to get the girls into it now that Evie is a little bit older. 

I had forgotton about my search for a vintage van up until the other day... I think it's because they are as rare as yowies, and last time, I didn't have much success finding one for sale over in WA.  If you come accross one in your travels that's for sale, please let me know x 


These camping trips comming up, have re-ignited my search for a sweet lil' vintage van, for overnight getaways with my little Bear family... a little doer-uperer like this would be perfect for us to love and cherish.

Well, on that note I'd best get some washing on the line before the day gets away from me!

Happy Birthday to Grandma and Auntie Stace! xxoo 

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the birthday wish. I wish that i would use this site better !
